In BST, searching always start from the root. If the node you're trying to find is smaller than the root, then the program will start searching recursively on the left, vice-versa if the node you're trying to find is bigger than the root.
When it comes to inserting new nodes, apply the same logic as searching until the new node find the correct spot to be inserted. Example: Add (64).
The logic goes like this; start from the root, 64 > 40 then it goes to the right side, 64 < 78 then it goes left, 64 > 50 then it goes on the right side. Since its empty then 64 will be inserted below 50 as its right side child.
When deleting a certain data within a BST, firstly you have to check whether it fulfills one condition or not.
- Is it a Leaf node?
- Does it have any children?
- If the deleted notes is a leaf, just delete.
- If the deleted node is a parent or root, use either the highest value node within the left sub-tree or the lowest value from the right sub-tree. For me, I use the highest value in the left sub-tree.
Infix, Postfix, and Prefix:
Computer doesn't read functions like humans do, well for at least that is what they have told me in uni. In example we read 2+4 as is. This is called Prefix. The normal way of human interpreting mathematical functions. What computer reads are either postfix nor prefix.
From the word "Post", it means that the operator will be posted behind the operand. Example 2+4 will turn into 24+.
Prefix is just like the opposite of postfix which is the operator will be posted first then the operand. Example 2+4 will turn into +24.
Those are probably the topics I will be discussing briefly this time. Thank you for viewing and I hope it helps. Leave a comment below if you want to add or you may think I made a mistake saying things. Other than that, I will see you guys in the next post.
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